Board of Directors & Staff
Downtown Manhattan, Inc.
Did you Know? Downtown Manhattan, Inc is a non profit community volunteer organization
working in the areas of economic development, street design and place making, retail and business
recruitment and marketing and promotion. It is our mission to increase consumer awareness; to
strengthen retail and professional business institutions; to increase the economic vitality of the City’s
center and to promote and attract new businesses to the downtown.
The DMI Board of Directors is grateful for your donation towards making events like this
Donate Here!
President: Ben Burton, Owner of Community House & Switchgrass Development
Vice-President: Kelly Karl, Pre-Construction Manager at BHS
Treasurer: Amanda Aslin, General Manager of Tallgrass Tap House
Board Members at Large:
Caleb Hartig: General Manager of 324 Speakeasy
Lindsay Lowe: Owner of Platinum & Co.
Ali Goss: Owner of Enamored by Ali
Jasmine Walker: Owner of Brown’s Shoe Fit
Blake Bauer: Owner of Icon Investments
Blade Mages: Executive Director of Wareham Hall
Ex-Officio Board Members:
Stephanie Peterson: Director of Community Development for City of Manhattan
Amanda Webb: Planning and Special Projects Director for Riley County
Christy Chase: Marketing Specialist at Anderson Knight Architects
Gina Snyder: Executive Director, DMI
Erin Backensto: Bookkeeper, DMI
Heather Hnizdil: Art Coordinator, DMI
Donovan Barber: Groundskeeper, DMI
Livie Olsen: Administrative Assistant
Downtown Manhattan, Inc. Goals and Objectives
- Organizational and Administrative Processes and Efficiencies
- Secure Partners for 2025 Downtown Partners Corporate Sponsorship Program
- Create 501c3 for the purpose of writing/receiving grants and accepting tax deductible donations
- Advocate for economic opportunities that enhance or improve the downtown district as a whole and are aesthetically appealing and maintain our walkability.
- Secure FY2026 funding for improved programming; work with city staff on metrics guidelines
- Hire Administrative Assistant
- New Website
- Partnerships, Sponsorships and Collaborative Efforts
- Create regional partnerships to support our mission of growing our patronage while strengthening entertainment districts through shared knowledge
- Grow existing partnerships with Kansas State University through annual programming and events and shared human capital
- Events, Programming and Management
- Hire Event Manager
- Hire Event Assistant
- Enhance event processes/procedures under new Event Manager
- Ordinance for CCA
- 2025 fundraising event
- Within 5 Years
- Work with Public Works to develop a process for use of public rights-of-way during construction
- Work with Department of Commerce to establish Creative District designation and incentive
program - Work with Public Works to ensure maintenance on district infrastructure is done in a timely
manner - Advocate for funding Frost Plaza
- Sound system for outdoor events
- Organizational and Administrative Processes and Efficiencies