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aTa Bus

Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency (aTa Bus) has four stops within the Downtown footprint, with a service area including the Manhattan-Riley County area, western Pottawatomie County including the Green Valley area and the St. George and Wamego area, Fort Riley, and the Junction City-Geary County area including the towns of Grandview Plaza and Milford. Service is available to the general public.

aTa Bus Routes

Bike Paths

Manhattan is a bronze-level bike-friendly community. Our wide, flat streets make it easy to get around on your bicycle. Or use a free loaner from one of our Green Apple Bike racks.

Bike Map

LINK e-Scooters

LINK allows anyone age 18 and up to rent their dockless e-scooters around the city and on K-State’s Manhattan campus. To use the e-scooters, download the “LINK — Scooter Sharing” app on a smartphone. It costs $1 to unlock an e-scooter and 25 cents per minute to ride.

For general customer support or to report an e-scooter issue to LINK, contact or 844-701-8163.

For questions about e-scooters in Manhattan, contact the City Manager’s Office at 785-587-2404.


Parks & Green Space

Downtown is a great place to enjoy outside activities. Blue Earth Plaza and City Park as well as numerous pocket parks and benches designed just for relaxing.

Parks Map


There is lots of convenient parking Downtown. Many two-hour spots for quick trips and lots of free all-day spots including our parking garage just off Fort Riley Boulevard.

Parking Map

