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Parking in Downtown

Parking is enforced Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm. As Poyntz Ave is an emergency route, there is no parking overnight and will be enforced by RCPD.

Unlimited parking available in the following lots:
Manhattan Town Center (the mall)
Parking lot on 5th Street between Poyntz and Houston
Parking lot on 3rd Street Between Poyntz and Houston
Parking lot between 3rd and 4th streets on Humboldt
Parking lot west of Dillard’s

2 Hour Parking
Monitored with GPS and cameras
All of Poyntz Ave and side streets are limited to 2 hours
Most public lots have some 2- hour limits
The 2-hour limit is on a per-block basis. If you move your vehicle within the same block but it stays on that block for more than 2 consecutive hours, it will be ticketed as if it was not moved at all.

For parking maps, ticketing information and the ordinance please see the City of Manhattan Parking Services page HERE.
